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Developing personally and professionally…

Developing personally and professionally…

At our social enterprises, clients learn valuable skills and experience in a live setting.

At our social enterprises, clients learn valuable skills and experience in a live setting.

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FY attended Sew & Support for over a year. During this time, she gained confidence, not only in herself but also in using an industrial sewing machine, learning how to make bags and make alterations to clothing for family members. 

A quote from the client…

“Learning how to use a sewing machine at Sew and Support at the start was quite terrifying for me. However, I have overcome my fear of the needle and gained confidence using the machine and have learnt many things… I find learning new things always a challenge but at the same time, I enjoy it and it helps my mental health and I find sewing relaxing sometimes. I hope to return and come as much as I can and get back to normal. I hope to develop more skills, and in the future make my own clothes.” 

A quote from the client...

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People helped back into work so far this year… 0

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