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Facing barriers and stigma together…

Facing barriers and stigma together…

Concerns about being mistreated by services can be a significant barrier to engagement.

Concerns about being mistreated by services can be a significant barrier to engagement.

RA registered with Working Well Trust (WWT) in January 2018. When he registered he was unsure whether WWT would help him look for work because of his diagnosis of schizophrenia and a judgment that he wouldn’t cope with employment. He was also reluctant as he thought there would be a push for him to work any type of employment/hours and that and that employers would have prejudices against his mental health and previous conviction. 

Looking for roles that suited to your needs...

Looking for roles that suited to your needs…

WWT discussed long and short-term employment options with RA and accompanied him to meet with employers in the local area. RA demonstrated an interest in working in the mental health field and in helping others in their recovery. WWT discussed peer support with RA and he highlighted this is something he would like to work towards in the long term.

Finding employment…

RA was assisted to achieve his short-term goal to work in a part time job whilst working toward his career in peer support. He started part time work with JD Sports in May and is enjoying this role. WWT is continuing to support RA with his long-term goal and is in the process of assisting him to apply for peer support training via ELFT.

Finding employment...
Quote from client...

Quote from client…

“Employment gives me a reason to get up in the morning; I feel more self-respected and the people around me, like my neighbours, they are more willing to respect me if they see me going to work”. 

Our impact

People helped back into work so far this year… 0

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