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A Thank You to our Volunteers

A Thank You to our Volunteers

1 Year ago by Jason Armstrong
Blog Posts, News
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As Volunteers Week comes to a close we wanted to celebrate the people who give up their time to support us. So we took some time to both thank our Volunteers and find out more about them and ask why Volunteering is so important to them.

Meet Sanil

Sanil volunteers at Access Print and Design and runs our IT Support Group a space for clients to get help and assistance with everything related to IT and Technology. The group is incredibly popular and his colleagues have nothing but praise for him so we checked in with Sanil to find out more.

What made you want to volunteer with Working Well Trust?
It is a cause at my heart as everyone including especially people with mental health and disabilities need IT Support in their life at some point. I have passion, energy and drive to help individual with IT Support. When the volunteer IT Support position was adverted, I applied for it. As they say, rest is history! 

How are you finding Volunteering at Working Well Trust?
I am really enjoying volunteering at Working Well Trust. No each day is the same. Therefore, it gives you great opportunity to continuous to learn, develop and enhanced my skills. As well as, meet interesting people including colleagues at the Working Well Trust and clients alike.

What do you think you’ve learnt from Volunteering at Working Well Trust?
Volunteering at Working Well Trust has really enhanced my skill sets and knowledge. I have developed other extra skills especially interpersonal skills like how to stay extra calm, resilient and be more perseverance and persistence especially dealing with clients, who have complex mental health and disabilities support needs. These skills everyone needs, both professional and personal!

What would you say to someone thinking about Volunteering at Working Well Trust? 
I would full heartily encourage anyone to volunteer at Working Well Trust. The staff really NICE and extra supportive. Everyone would go the extra mile to help. The clients base can be some time really challenging but that itself is good. It gives you excellent opportunity to develop further skills, which would be really useful anyone’s life, both professional and personal.

Finally, what do you think some of the benefits are to volunteering?
Benefits…. Hmmmmm… nothing at all. Just kidding. The benefits are:

  1. Satisfaction of giving something back to the community that we all belong too.
  2. Meet new and interesting people.
  3. Get professional experience working in the 3rd sector (Charity).
  4. Gain new skills including builds once own confidence.
  5. Feel valued and be part of a team. Strong Believer in that Together Everyone Achieve More, which spells TEAM!
  6. Likes good on your CV, strengthens the CV and improves your employability.
  7. Helps with your own mental and physical health and wellbeing.
  8. It is fun!
  9. Most IMPORTANTLY, helping others. You make REAL difference to an individual’s life.

Meet Annabella

Annabella volunteers at our Upskill project which works closely with people to find opportunities in education, volunteering, social or employment related activities. Annabella volunteers in an administration role and is a valued member of the team. We borrowed Annabella for a moment to ask her a few questions about herself and what Volunteering means to her

What made you want to volunteer with Working Well Trust? 
Just over a year ago, I was suggested by my then support worker, to contact Upskill to to help me find part time-work or, alternatively, some voluntary work. At my first meeting with Karen I expressed the wish to find an administrative role in a organisation such as upskill. I remember asking Karen if they were looking for volunteers and to my surprise I was told they would consider my offer. Short time after I begun my voluntary role for Upskill, within the Working Well Trust. 

How are you finding Volunteering at Working Well Trust? 
I absolutely love working for Upskill. I believe the organisation is doing a great work in helping people with lived experience of mental health, just like my self. My colleagues are a wonderful bunch of friendly compassionate professional advisors, who I admire both professionally and personally. My manager Karen has given me both guidance and freedom to grow in my role and provided me with valuable support when my health fluctuated, due to my condition. 

What do you think you’ve learnt from Volunteering at Working Well Trust? 
When I first begun my volunteering at Upskill, I lacked confidence. The most valuable learning I’ve made in my role is to trust myself again. I’ve also learnt to use the Excel Program to manage referrals and outputs spreadsheets; to search for job vacancies/courses and activities online for my colleagues; to contact people informing them of their 121 appointments, carry on phone feedback surveys for Working Well Trust.  

What would you say to someone thinking about Volunteering at Working Well Trust?  
I would say: give it a go! You can learn or refresh new skills, help people in the process of helping yourself. Working along side people who care about you and appreciate you giving your time. You’re also encouraged to take up courses for your personal development, in person or online. 

Finally, what do you think some of the benefits are to volunteering? 
Helping people, improving your skills, positive social interaction, working at your pace without unhealthy pressures. As a result you grow both professionally and personally. 

To find out more about how you can best Volunteer with Working Well Trust head on over to our Volunteering section which you can find here

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