Our latest Employment Service supports individuals in both Newham and Barking & Dagenham who have serious mental health challenges, who want to work as part of their recovery journey, to gain and sustain paid employment through the internationally recognised IPS (Individual Placement Support) model.
Working alongside Twining Enterprises who will be providing support for the boroughs of Waltham Forest, Redbridge and Havering. IPS Workwise Employment Services offers across all these boroughs a dedicated team of specialists that support our clients on their employment journey. To find out more about the services Twining can offer you can visit their website here.
In terms of what IPS Workwise Employment Services can offer you we can provide support with:
- Finding the right job
- Prepare a great CV
- Advice on effective job searching
- Improve your interview skills
- Approach local employers together
- Advice on how work might impact benefits
- In-work support after job start
- Help to retain existing employment
- Help boost confidence, self-esteem and motivation to work
- Work alongside your mental health team
- Support your mental health recovery journey

If you want to know more why not check out our new leaflet that details the service. You can also head over to our message section if you want to contact us directly by clicking here
IPS Workwise Employment Services FAQ
IPS is an evidence based method of supporting people with mental health into competitive employment. IPS is client led, so we only support people into roles that they actually want to do, and we work quickly, aiming to have first contact with an employer within 30 days of registering the client for our service.
Are there any requirements to access the Tower Hamlets service?A client must want to find paid employment, be a resident of the borough of Newham or Baking & Dagenham, be over the age of 18+ and have a diagnosis of serious mental illness/be accessing secondary mental health support.
What does IPS Mean?IPS stands for Individual Placement Support. IPS is an employment support model based on evidence of what works to support individuals with mental health to find and retain employment. You can find out more about IPS by visiting the IPS Grow website here
Is there a cost for using any of the services?The service is completely free.
How can clients be referred to IPS Workwise Employment Services?Clients can be referred by their clinician or they can self-refer.
For more information on IPS and how it could help you on your employment journey please visit out “What is IPS?” page by clicking here