Introducing Community House the new home for our Enfield services
1 Week ago by Jason Armstrong
This week (19-25th of June) is Learning Disability Week. A time to celebrate the achievements of those with a Learning Disability while making sure people better understand what that actually means.
The Kingston Supported Employment Service works with people with a Learning Disability to support them on their employment journey, with that in mind we’ve asked Greg one of our clients to tell you more about his experience.
Greg came to us looking for support around finding employment. Working alongside one of our Employment Support Workers to find a role that best suited him. We’ve asked Greg to talk about his journey and what being in employment means to him.
How has Working Well Trust has helped you?
When I came to Working Well Trust, I had no job and was looking for work. Kavina at Working Well Trust Kingston helped with keeping me motivated every week, she checked in with me to find out how things were going, sent me jobs, set up interviews, and stayed in touch with my support worker to make sure I had support to get to interviews on time. I applied to a Host job with a local theme park and booked in an interview. Kavina helped me to prepare, and helped me think of good questions to ask in the interview. They offered me a job at the end of the interview. If anybody is looking for a job, I would recommend Working Well Trust. I would recommend them to friends and family; they work really hard.
How does it feel to be working?
I’ve now done my inductions, online training, and training days and am enjoying the job now. I enjoy meeting lots of new people and families in my job. Not all jobs are going to take people with disabilities, so this has been a really good experience for me. I am happy where I am, the job is more fun than other jobs I have done before. I am happy with what I’m doing.
Is there anything you would like people to know about what it is like living with a learning disability? People should be aware of people with learning disabilities but shouldn’t question them or discriminate against them. You shouldn’t underestimate people with learning disabilities. They are no different from everybody else.
We want to thank Greg once again for being open about his experiences and wish him all the luck in his role! If you want to find out more about our Kingston Kingston Supported Employment Service why not head over to their dedicated section here
1 Week ago by Jason Armstrong
2 Weeks ago by Paulina Zerda-Webb
2 Weeks ago by Jason Armstrong