Based on over 20 years of research, the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) employment model is internationally recognised as the leading way to support individuals with mental health challenges to gain and keep paid employment.
Since 2019, we have supported residents of Enfield with mental health who are seeking support to find employment. Our dedicated team of specialists engages with employers on the client’s behalf to find suitable work opportunities support with CV writing and interview preparation.
Beyond supporting clients, our service also offers mental health awareness sessions for organisations, in-work advocacy, and more.
For more information on IPS and how it could help you on your employment journey please visit out “What is IPS?” page by clicking here
Click here for our leaflet
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Enfield IPS FAQs
IPS is an evidence based method of supporting people with mental health into competitive employment. IPS is client led, so we only support people into roles that they actually want to do, and we work quickly, aiming to have first contact with an employer within 30 days of registering the client for our service.
Are there any requirements to access the Enfield Service?Clients must be a resident of Enfield, who is attached to an adult secondary mental health service, and who want support to secure paid employment. You can now also be referred by your GP or support worker if you have a mental health diagnosis.
What does IPS Mean?IPS stands for Individual Placement Support. IPS is an employment support model based on evidence of what works to support individuals with mental health to find and retain employment. For more information on IPS please visit https://ipsgrow.org.uk/about/what-is-ips/
How can clients be referred to the Enfield service?Clients can be referred by their clinician or self-refer through our website or by emailing [email protected]
How long do clients have to wait after referring for someone to be in touch?If you have sent a referral with all details included, it will be assigned to the most relevant Employment Specialist and the client will normally be contacted within 48 hours. Registration appointments are then normally booked in within a fortnight, excluding any exceptional circumstances.
I have engaged with Working Well Trust before, can I access the service again?If you still meet the eligibility criteria outlined in FAQ 1 you will likely still be able to access the service. If you are unsure, please get in touch by emailing [email protected]

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