Based on over 20 years of research, the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) employment model is internationally recognised as the leading way to support individuals with mental health challenges to gain and keep paid employment.
Since 2017, we have supported residents of Tower Hamlets with mental health support needs who want to find employment. Our dedicated team of specialists provide support with approaching employers, the application and interview process, as well as in-work support when the client is in employment.
Beyond supporting clients, our service also offers mental health awareness sessions for organisations, in-work advocacy, peer support, and more. We also help employers with filling vacancies they have and ensure they are supported throughout the recruitment process or for any queries or support needs.
Our employment support workers provide support and guidance for clients to move toward paid employment including support with CV’s, job applications, interview preparation and access to training, education and work experience. We work together with the client to create an individual action plan to help them achieve their employment goals and provide support around additional needs to get on the road to paid employment.
For more information on IPS and how it could help you on your employment journey please visit out “What is IPS?” page by clicking here
For more information you can find our service leaflet here.
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Tower Hamlets IPS Service FAQs
Are there any requirements to access the Tower Hamlets service?A client must want to find paid employment, be a resident of the borough of Tower Hamlets, be over the age of 18+ and have a diagnosis of serious mental illness/be accessing secondary mental health support.
Is there a cost for using any of the services?The service is completely free.
Where do clients meet their employment support worker?Clients do not have to meet in person there is the possibility of meeting over the phone or via Zoom. If clients want to meet in person, there are various community locations across the borough with available meetings spaces.
What does IPS Mean?IPS stands for Individual Placement Support. IPS is an employment support model based on evidence of what works to support individuals with mental health to find and retain employment.
How can clients be referred to the Tower Hamlets service?Clients can be referred by their clinician or they can self-refer.
Do clients need to have worked before to engage with the service?No clients do not need to have worked previously; we can support individuals with all backgrounds. The only thing we need is a desire to take steps towards employment.
How do employers advertise their vacancies with the IPS service?Employers can advertise your vacancies with the IPS service for free. Get in touch with us via our careers and volunteering section to discuss in more detail.
Other back to work services
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